In 4 years project, ‘Who Am I?’ is going strong with the help of various 4C parents and their fantastic enthusiasm. Some parents told us all about the Sami who raise reindeer and life in Sweden. Others talked about the Maori tribe and we all danced the Hakka!.
In our LIBRARY class we looked at Scotland, bagpipes, tartans and kilts, and wondered what the Loch Ness Monster really looks like…. And Juan Oliver, Primary teacher and Gaitero, came to our patio to play the Gaita which is so close in sound to the Scottish bagpipes!
On the other hand, today the students of 4A and 4B made a trip to the desert of Morocco to see a bereber tent.
The idea is to know who we are through the study of other lesser-known cultures.
The idea is to know who we are through the study of other lesser-known cultures.
The children are really investigating at home, asking questions, and learning about life all over the world.