From tearing down walls to setting new stones
Más de 300 jóvenes de 39 nacionalidades se han dado cita en la final internacional del European Youth Parliament (EYP) que ha tenido lugar en la ciudad alemana de Leipzig. Entre ellos estaban tres alumnos de nuestro Colegio: Ilana Barak Rodríguez, Pilar Casares Alaez y Lucas Fernández Mosquera que cursan 1º y 2º de Bachillerato, y la persona responsable de la actividad, Pilar Solís, coordinadora del Departamento de Inglés.
Los alumnos han accedido a esta sesión tras pasar las selecciones regional y nacional organizadas por EYP España. Su actuación ha sido brillante no sólo en los debates de la Asamblea General (GA) sino en todos los foros y actividades en los que han tenido que participar. Durante diez días los jóvenes participantes han estado debatiendo, en lengua inglesa, sobre quince temas políticos de candente actualidad en Europa centrados todos ellos en la defensa de los derechos fundamentales.
La ciudad de Leipzig fue la sede de esta asamblea, ya que el tema que daba unidad a esta sesión era la caída del Telón de Acero y la celebración de los 25 años de la reunificación de Alemania. Al mismo tiempo, se celebraba que este hecho histórico daba lugar a la ampliación de la Unión Europea con la incorporación de los países del centro y este de nuestro continente, poniendo así un final definitivo a la división artificial de Europa que trajo consigo la Guerra Fría.
Pilar Solís, en representación de los profesores, fue invitada a dar el discurso de clausura que reproducimos a continuación:
President, Vicepresidents, chairs, teachers , delegates, ladies and gentlemen.
These past days have been of great importance for all of us but especially for you, dear delegates. We have been able to share our ideas, to respect the opinion of others and to get to agreements in a free open minded and challenging forum.
We teachers have seen in you what we want for the future of Europe. You have discussed and debated the issues that are currently being the walls within the EU and you have come up in little time with amazing ideas which have been brilliantly expressed in the GA.
How have you come to this? How have you torn the walls of misunderstanding? You have made it because you have given a step forward in the construction of a new Europe. In this sessions you have set new stones to embrace other cultures and other perspectives because you have been given the opportunity to know each other not only as individuals but also as countries. You have been working very hard to get to know and understand your common ideas and ideals about the future and your different backgrounds and history. And, the result of your work is outstanding.
However, dear delegates, in this city of Leipzig, which has so kindly welcomed us, we have learnt that our fundamental rights and prosperity cannot be taken for granted. Never ever forget the lesson that recent history has taught us. So, be aware of your great responsibility with the past generations who worked and even gave their lives to set the stones for the fraternity we are living today in this session. And even more, you are very soon going to have this legacy in your hands, and I am positive that you are going to pass it to future generations greatly improved. Pursue your dreams, don’t dismay and work, whatever your position in society is, for that free, fair, tolerant, welcoming , prosperous , unified yet culturally diverse Europe we have been living and feeling throughout this week.
This said, I have to add that we teachers are very proud of your achievements throughout all the EYP sessions and that we are very happy to have had the opportunity to share this with you.
Finally, we want to thank all the EYP team for their hard work but especially Basil and Robin who have taken very good care of us.
Thank you.