Today we have had the pleasure of attending the lecture of Javier Sánchez Monge, renowned photographer, winner for threee years of the International Photography Award among other prizes. He has centered his talk, which was totally in English, on his experience with the poorest children of the Cambodian dumpsites who work as scavengers.
Javier has impressed us for his enviromental and social commitment, his openmindness and his vast knowledge of other cultures.
The most important lesson we have learnt today is that this is our planet, and we need to take care of it, as we would take care of a sick child.
It was almost three years ago when we met Javier for the first time. We were helping him raise money for the project he was working on at the time. It was about the forgotten children of Cambodia who tried to survive collecting plastics from the dump they lived in. We were amazed by his determination and strength; he has lived through difficult situations, and has met loads of different people; he understands human suffering and our planet’s suffering. It was a life-changing event having met him.
This is one of the numerous projects Javier has carried out. His main interest is to reflect a planet undergoing changes beyond the point of no return due to the irresponsible activities of the human species. That is why he has dedicated most of his life to journalism and photography, so as to illustrate the falling-apart world we are creating.
In his photographs appear people from many cultures, in which he has learned to integrate and admire profoundly. Therefore, an effort is being done to document such issues as disappearing ethnic groups and traditional ways of life and cultures, poverty, marginalized people, climate change, global warming, natural disasters, the problem of waste disposal, pollution… and an effort is put on showing the legacy of devastation left for the next generation of human beings, us.
Students of 2º Bach.